Rerun: Pao De Queijo

Mmmmm..... Brazilian cheese buns sure do sound good, don't they, Space Cadets? You know who will never know if they are? We won't!!! Because someone stole the tapioca flour (and the battery-operated Christmas candles) off my porch. That's right--HZ here hankering for a hunk of Pao De Queijo, forever unfulfilled. But there's joy and light! Because we're talking theft on today's new SoT but we're also talking friendship and books Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to send Ross a Snapchat of the cute thing Nigel is doing right now.

Recipe link (good luck finding the flour):

Music today from the Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players with "Look at Me."

Wednesday, April 13, 2022