Numbers - Episode 82 - 2017-09-01

Free Noise, Electronic, Rock

Joe Tunis - intro
Vibracathedral Orchestra - The Sun Balance
Ashtray Navigations - Throw Up In The Sky
Badgerlore - Your Discomfort, My Happiness
Alan Courtis - Corralon
Kevin Drumm - Shut In
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe - Levitation Praxis Pt 4 (90 Day Men)
Arnold Dreyblatt - Damping Influence
Pythagoron - side 1
Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - A Slave Boy That Died An Awful Death For Not Keeping His Owner’s Horses. He Helps People Who Are Looking For Lost Things.
Vatican Shadow - Luxor Necropolitics
Survive - Omniverse
Pessimist - Grit
Pan Daijing - Eat
Borbetomagus - Coelacanth
Cyrus Pireh and Honduras - Concordia
Spectre Folk - Begin the Mothership
Dope Body - Down
Bardo Pond - Circuit VIII

Friday, September 1, 2017