In memory of Gretchen "G" Arnold, who passed away Spring 2024. Note: WAYO is working to restore the archives of "The ClipBoard" so that G's friends may listen back and remember their voice, laughter, and energy.
Your fave oh rite mixtape.
In memory of Gretchen "G" Arnold, who passed away Spring 2024. Note: WAYO is working to restore the archives of "The ClipBoard" so that G's friends may listen back and remember their voice, laughter, and energy.
Your fave oh rite mixtape.
"The best 59 minutes and 47 seconds that I have known on a Monday."
-Studio Katt
Your ears called and put in a request for the in-between moments.
"Makes good sense to put this on repeat."
-Studio Katt
We visited the 80's but probably not as you remember.
Do you even remember the 80's?
Worth your ears just for the first 59 seconds alone.
Studio Katt really went all the way with this setlist including sounds from:
In Aeternam Vale
Felix Kubin
Das Ding
Philippe Laurent
Geneva Jacuzzi
and alotta more!
Simmah down with sounds from Thom Yorke, Crumb, SALES, Duster, Bedroom, Helvetia, Mareux and more! Remember the Sneaker Pimps?