Numbers - Episode 385 - 2024-01-05

Henry Birdsey - Seriya Limb (from Two Harmonicas in the Jeweler's Court LP on Poole. half of Tongue Depressor with Zach Rowden)

Loren Connors - A West Bound Brook (from split LP with Scott Tuma on Profane Illuminations)

Loren Mazzacane Connors and Suzanne Langille - Crucible (from Crucile CD on Black Label)

Li Jianhong - San Sheng Shi (from San Sheng Shi CD on aRCHIVE)

Jake Meginsky - 2521 (from Trinities LP on Poole)

Roy Montgomery - Broken Heart Surgery (from An Agony In Six Fits LP on Discreet)

David Nance - End of the World (from Shameless Kiss cassette)

The Velvet Underground - Heroin (from Andy Warhol's Factory Broadcast New York City 1966 2LP on Mind Control)

Ignatz and Harris Newman - Stray Dog (from Bring You Buzzard Meat 2x10" on Okraina)

Loren Mazzacane Connors and Suzanne Langille - Grip My Hand, etc (from Rooms CD on St. Joan Records)

The Dead C - Waver / Laver (from Rare Ravers LP on Badabing)

Bardo Pond - Cracker Wrist (from s/t LP on Fire Records)

Masayuki Takayanagi New Direction Unit - La Grima (part 1) (from La Grima LP on Aguirre)

Don Pullen and Milford Graves - PGV 15:20 (from Nommo LP reissue on Superior Viaduct)

Evan Parker, Derek Bailey, Han Bennink - Fixed Elsewhere (from The Topography Of The Lungs LP reissue on Otoroku)

Joe McPhee, Mette Rasmussen, Dennis Tyfus - Sun Gore (from Oblique Strategies LP on Black Truffle Records)

Friday, January 5, 2024