Episode 170: Puppy Fever

In this all new, doobie-doo, true blue, babies we love you episode of the Sound of Tomorrow, we've got PUPPY FEVER! No, not allergies! Ross and his husband Announcer Mike are now officially Puppy Parents and little Ludovic and Illyana are putting their daddies through the cuteness wringer. Awww! If you're even standing after all that adorableness, come have a seat on The Casting Couch where Ross and Heather are talking about casting decisions they find questionable. A woman as Frank N Furter? Hmmmm. A white guy as Michael Jackson? Double hmmmm. In the last few minutes, we tackle the question of IS David Bowie really that problematic? Probably. But probably not for some of the reasons you might think.

Don't forget: We'll see you at the Scatterbed CD Release party at Abiline, 153 Liberty Pole Way, February 6, 10:15 pm. Pick up your own copy of Scatterbed at The Bop Shop, Record Archive, or online at CDBaby (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/philmarshall32).

As always, thanks for tuning in!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016