Mike Gangloff - Helen's Song (from April is Passing LP on VHF)
Gwenifer Raymond - Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain (from Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain LP on Tompkins Square)
Liam Grant - Insult to Injury (from Progigal Son LP on VHF)
Lau Nau & Joshua Burkett - untitled (from s/t singled-sided LP on Mystra / Feather One's Nest)
Joshua Burkett - untitled (from CDR on Mystra)
Delaney Davidson and Bruce Russell - Crown Electric King (from One Hand Loose LP on Ilam Press)
Peter Jefferies and Jono Lonie - Piano (two) (from At Swim 2 Birds LP on Flying Nun / Captured Tracks)
This Kind of Punishment - On Various Days (from In The Same Room LP reissue on Superior Viaduct, orig, on Flying Nun)
A Handful of Dust - Twelve Turns Of The Rail (from Dream Songs 2CD on Decimation Sociale)
Emily Robb - Rotation-Free (side 2) (from the 7" on Stoned To Death)
Les Rallizes Denudes - Flame of Ice (from YaneUra Sept. '80 LP on Temporal Drift / Tuff Beats)
Pat Foster and Dick Weissman - Talking Union (from Documentary Talking Blues LP on Counterpoint / Esoteric)