The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol - French Pastry (from Verdun LP on Feeding Tube and Cardinal Fuzz)
Bardo Pond - War Is Over part 1 (from Volume 9 LP on Fire Records)
The Righteous Yeah - Fortnight (from Killer Apps digitial release - aka Michael Morley)
The Myrrors - side B (from Live At Exploded View LP on Cardinal Fuzz and Centripetal Force)
Mozzaleum - Do Not Enter (from Dark Ride LP on Feeding Tube)
Midnight Mines - Here Come The Waves (from Since My Baby Left Me LP on Minimum Table Stacks)
Los Doroncos - A minor (from Sun and Fireworks LP on An'Archives)
Mordecai - Empty Page (from Library Music LP on Feeding Tube)
Elkhorn - Train (from Distances LP on Feeding Tube)
Tongue Depressor and Austin Larkin - Adjoining Bridge (from Landau Bar LP on Redscroll Records)
番⻑ TASTE - Riverside Doubling (from I dipped my comb in shochu and ran it through the hair of the night LP on Carbon Records)
Les Rallizes Denudes - Darkness Returns (part 2) (from Baus 2LP on Temporal Drift)