Set featuring a small focus on the Latitudes imprint, psych, free-noise, and indie rock.
Bardo Pond - Purple
Michael Morley - Quarters
Wooden Shjips - Flight
Follakzoid - Earth
Gnod - Breaking The Hex
Belong - The Door Opens The Other Way
drcarlsonalbion - The Faery Round
Magik Markers - The Volodor Dance
Bardo Pond - Side To Side
Haxan Cloak - ...The Men Parted The Sea To Devour The Water
Polvo - Vibracobra
Unrest - Cath Carroll
Shipping News - Paper Lanterns
Grifters - Spaceship
Wildhoney - Super Stupid
M is the Thirteenth Letter - Vole de Nuit
Friday, April 29, 2016