Numbers - Episode 176 - 2019-06-21

Purling Hiss - Montage Mountain
Ranaldo, Jarmusch, Urselli Pandi - Gulltoppr
Burnt Hills - Over the Rainbow
PSF - Redline
Holly Hunt - The Wait
Jordan Perry and Jon Collin - Live at Low Vintage and Records
Baroque Bordello - I'm God
Kemialliset Ystavat - Yolla Tulen Ja Raapasen Tulen Karvoihin!
James Plotkin - Forensics (for Guitar) Part Three
Astral Social Club and Grumbling Fur - Three Years Apart
People Skills - The Life Was In A Room
Rimarimba - Steady State
Tom Carter and Pat Murano - Chaya
Las Nubes - QSW
David Nance - River With No Color
Long Hots - Nickel and Dime



Friday, June 21, 2019