Ooh, Space Cadets, have we got a fun-filled show for you today!! We start off with some Lady Doctor Bingo and talk of the future of Dr. Who. Then, keeping with the theme of lady doctors, we go straight to the gynecologist. The evil, blackhearted gynecologist who insists you can't bring someone with you and, really, you're not allowed to feel apprehensive. Just quit it. Ugh....
Act II brings in guest star Woody Battaglia from WAYO's Almost Tuesday programs, Monday nights from 9-11! Woody demands banana news and banana news is just what he gets! In case that banana news was fake, though, we round things out with a few more tips 'n' tricks for checking your sources before you get too invented in that too-good-to-be-true too-bad-to-be-true news story you just read on Facebook.
Music today: "Hooks" by The Temptators live on Friday Night Dance party which you can hear on WAYO Friday nights (oddly enough) from 7-9.