Numbers - Episode 76 - 2017-07-21

Psych, Experimental, Electronic, Heavy

Joe Tunis - intro
Bardo Pond and Tom Carter - side 1
The Dead C - Trouble 2
Cyrus Pireh and Honduras - Between Thoughts
Richard Davis - Methane Sea (Prelude)
Alan Courtis and Cyris Pireh - Malbec on Coils
Alan Courtis - Hombrear
Rich La Bonte - Mayan Canals
Ilitch - Sequence 1
Craig Leon - Donkeys Bearing Cups
Bill Converse - Currents
Aaron Dilloway - Medicine Stunts
Tsuzing - R
Beau Wanzer - Sh!tty Cough 14
Stephen O'Malley - Dread Live

Friday, July 21, 2017