The One Good Dog Garbage Pop Radio Hour: 8/28/2019

HELLO! today's ep of The One Good Dog Garbage Pop Radio Hour is available for you NOW! one of my favorite friends is in town for the week, and so today, she joined me on the show to play some music and chat! it was REALLY GOOD!

please tune in to hear me and Allison talk about chicago (her city), our favorite music (duh), being right-handed, her first experience with taco bell, and so much more! thx for listening <3.

Twin Peaks - Ferry Song
Whitney - Giving Up
Dehd - On My Side
Beach Bunny - 6 Weeks
Tirzah - Holding On
Clairo - North
White Reaper - 1F
Colleen Green - TV
Sheer Mag - Blood From A Stone
Jamila Woods - BALDWIN

Wednesday, August 28, 2019