George Christian - Resgates Passados (from Inside the Out comp LP on Ramble Records)
Robert Martin - Arabian Song (from Long Goodbye on Yik Yak orig from 1985)
Vapour Theories - Descend, part 1 (for Bailey) (from the split LP with Loren Connors on Carbon Records - new pressing)
Bilders - Son of Cronos (from Soloman's Ball 12" reissue on Unwucht, Bill Direen project)
Capers - Untitled (from Dregs LP on Förlag För Fri Musik - aka Erik Nystrand)
Gothenburg Sound Workshop - I (from II lp on Förlag För Fri Musik)
Kim Gordon and Loren Connors - untitled (from At Issue on Alara from France)
Tongue Depressor - For Lee Valentine (Fiddle Music Volume Seven self released)
Tatsuya Nakatani - Arch, Curve, Span; Circumnavigate (from Monochrome CD on Tatsuya Nakatani and Sound)
Derek Bailey - In Joke (take two) (from Lot 74 Solo Improvisations LP - reissue on Honest Jons Records)
Maxine Funke - Lucky Penny (from Seance LP on A Colourful Storm)
Friendly Boyfriend - Julie's Head (from Pick Up! 7" on Happiest Place - The Ground Pounders)
Strapping Fieldhands - Ingrid in Glasses (from Across the Susquehanna LP on Petty Bunco)
Running and Ryley Walker - No Title (from s/t cassette on Dull Tools)
Headroom - Soft Power (from split LP with Dire Wolves on Centripetal Force)
Can - Waiting For The Streetcar (from the Lost Tapes boxset)
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (title track)