Alasehir - Circuis (from The Philosphy of Living Fire on Siltbreeze)
Catherine Ribeiro + Alpes - La Petite Fille Aux Fraises (from Le Rat Debile Et L'homme
Des Champs on Philips 1974)
Six Organs of Admittance - Last Station, Veiled Sea (from The Veiled Sea LP on Three Lobed, 20th Aniversary)
A Handful of Dust - The City of God / Negative Jerusalem (from Urban Psychogeography Vol II - features Bruce Russell, Alastrai Galbraith and Peter Stapleton, on Corpus Hermeticum)
Doramaar - Acidez Max 0'4deg (from Le Jazz Non - A Compilation of Nineties NZ Noise on Corpus Hermeticum, featuring Kim Pieters, Adria Morgan, Sara Stephenson)
Pelt - Diglossia (from Reticence / Resistance LP on Three Lobed 20th Aniversary)
Trad Gras och Stenar - Frihetsdans i D-moll (from Gardet 12.6.1970 on Subliminal Sounds)
Amon Duul II - Yeti (title track)
Les Rallizes Denudes - Night Of The Assassins (from Double Heads 7XLP boxset - no label)