Horse Lords - untitled (from Mixtape Vol. 1 LP on Improved Sequence)
Claypipe - Blue and Turned Black (from Sky Wells LP on C/Site Recordings - Antony Milton and Clayton Noone)
Brannten Schnure - Die Geschandete Venus (from Muschelsammlung LP on Milder Wahn)
Porest - Liminal Treason (from Cancel in the Soft Breeze LP on Discrepant)
Cody Yantis - Pure Direct Memory (from Physical Silence CD on Round Bale)
Loren Mazzacane Connors - Portrait of a Fool (from Amazezine Magazine #5 Split 7" with Alexandre St-Onge & Sam Shalabi)
Les Rallizes Denudes - The Last One (from the Double Heads 7xLP boxset)
Pelt - The Door in the Hill (from Reticence / Resistance LP on Three Lobed - 20th Anniversary series)
Alumbrados - The Subterfuge of Memory (from The Stone of the Wise CDR)
Joy Division - Shadowplay (from Studio Rarities Volume 1 LP)
Datblygu - Dafydd Iwan Yn Y Glaw (from Wyau LP on Hate Records from 1988)
Lewsberg - Through the Garden (from In This House LP on 12XU)
Strapping Fieldhands - City of Pain (from Across the Susquehanna LP on Petty Bunco)
Saavik - He's Dead, Jim (from s/t cassette on Other Electricities - Holly Hunt folks from Miami)
The Blue Humans - Lightning (from Clear to Higher Time CD on New Alliance, featuring Rudolph Grey, Alan Licht and Tom SUrgal.)
Twig Harper and Bill Nace - untitled (from Live at Dreamland LP on Open Mouth)
Axemen - Just A Pollutant (from Big Cheap Motel, on Siltbreeze, originally from 1983 cassette)
Seam - Feathers (from Headsparks LP - reissued on Numero)