WAYO Play (Public Market) Show 024

Joining in the studio are local Rochester Public Market musicians George Díaz Muñiz, flamenco guitar, and Leah O's Pipa, chinese lute, exploring their relationship with the weekly gathering of people, music, and unexpected sounds.

More of Leah O's Pipa: https://ospipa.bandcamp.com/
More George Díaz Muñiz: Find him at the Saturday Public Market infront of Union St. Bakery

Upcoming Leah O's Pipa show: https://eastman.org/event/live-music/...
Upcoming George Díaz Muñiz show: https://www.rochestercitynewspaper.co...

Part of WAYO FM Rochester, NY. Sundays 10-11am EST monthly or more. Send any drawings, writings or thoughts from listening to wayoplay@wayofm.org

Sunday, August 6, 2017