One thing I've learned about music fans is that they love to talk about the music they love. Introvert Extract gives music fans a platform to pick out a playlist and curate it for the rest of the world. If you would like to be a guest curator, email me at . If there is no guest, I'll play the music that's been moving me at the moment.
- Bauhaus - Third Uncle
- Mala Vista - Nowhere To Go
- White Stains - Demo 2020
- Phane - Golden Calf
- Cursed Idols - Baby I’m A Cannibal
- The Adicts - Who Spilt My Beer
- Iggy Pop - Five Foot One
- G.G. Allin - Jesus Over New York
- Spit Kink - Yes To Everything
- Nervous Tick & The Zipper Lips - I Don’t Make The Rules (I Just Love ‘Em)
- Rotten U.K.- Reaper Follows
- Toy Dolls - Dig That Groove Baby
- The Society - Nicotine Fit
- Munks - Long Time Waiting