One thing I've learned about music fans is that they love to talk about the music they love. Introvert Extract gives music fans a platform to pick out a playlist and curate it for the rest of the world. If you would like to be a guest curator, email me at . If there is no guest, I'll play the music that's been moving me at the moment.
- The Walker Brothers - The Electrician
- The Velvet Underground - The Gift
- Holly Herndon - Eternal
- Nina Simone - Sinnerman
- This Heat - Twilight Furniture
- Objekt - Silica
- Genesis - Firth of Fifth
- Wire - German Shepherds
- Band Of Susans - Not Even Close
- Laurel Halo - Sun To Solar
- Minibeast - Guest At The Door
- Brian and Andi (feat. Dave) - Discussing The Dirt